Aluminium Windows Hove

Improve your home with our range of aluminium windows for gorgeous sightlines and expansive views.

Industry-Leading Aluminium Windows for Hove Homeowners

A1 Glass and Glazing offers homeowners in Hove and its surrounding areas high-performance aluminium windows manufactured with the highest quality materials and components. Enhance your Hove home with our windows which excel in thermal efficiency, home security and weather protection features. Our range of aluminium windows come in sleek designs and offer exceptional customisation options to suit your individual style.

Thanks to modern manufacturing and design techniques, our windows feature ultra-slim frames that maximise the available glazing area. This means more natural light can enter your Hove home, making it brighter and giving the illusion of more space. And because aluminium is so strong, these windows don’t compromise on security- so there’s peace of mind in knowing your home is safe.

With A1 Glass and Glazing, you can rest assured that your Hove property is in the very best of hands. Our team of installers have years of experience fitting premium aluminium windows, meaning you can expect only the highest quality products and service. Your new windows are sure to withstand even the harshest weather conditions and be fitted with the latest security features – ensuring maximum protection for your property. Choose A1 Glass and Glazing for the very best in aluminium windows.

Aluminium Windows Crawley

SMART Aluminium Windows

At A1, we understand the importance of providing customers with quality products and take immense pride in our partnership with SMART Systems. With over 35 years of experience, SMART carries a wealth of knowledge in manufacturing aluminium windows that guarantee style, security and efficiency. Furthermore, as our partners, SMART are committed to creating aluminium windows that exceed authentic industry standards, ensuring that customers from Hove receive the best quality available on the market.

SMART aluminium windows are a great choice for homeowners looking for efficient and comprehensive protection from the elements. Their thermal break technology ensures that every window offers an impressive ‘A’ Window Energy Rating.

Our range of SMART aluminium windows are also endorsed by the British Standard Kitemark system KM 81580 KM 81543. Not only do these windows provide superior insulation, but also come in a range of attractive designs, with standard colours, metallic colours and dual colours available to suit any home. It’s never been easier to add efficient aluminium windows to your Hove property.

We understand that security is a top priority for every homeowner. Our aluminium windows provide internal and external beading, increasing their resistance to force. This element of strength and quality helps to make homeowners feel safe and secure in their homes, with increased safety and resistance to common break-in methods. With top notch energy efficiency and security, these aluminium windows make a perfect addition to any Hove home.

Aluminium Windows Installation Crawley

Origin Aluminium Windows

At A1 Glass and Glazing, we understand the importance of giving our Hove customers a range of choices. That is why in addition to offering services from other well-known and respected manufacturers, we also work with the innovative and highly experienced team at Origin

Origin aluminium windows are renowned for their superior performance, top-notch style, and impressive level of personalisation. From custom colours to a variety of security and locking systems, homeowners can easily find the perfect replacement window profiles from Origin to suit their needs.

Customer Care for Hove Homeowners

When it comes to aluminium windows, look no further than our range at A1 Glass & Glazing. With us, you can rest assured you will receive the highest standard of quality without breaking the bank! With our amazing prices, you can complete your Hove home improvement project within your desired budget. 

If you’re interested in aluminium window prices in Hove and would prefer to speak to a member of our friendly team, call us on 01273 676750 and we’ll get back to you. Alternatively, complete our online contact form. We look forward to hearing from you!


Aluminium Windows for Crawley

Origin Aluminium Windows Brochure

Smart Aluminium Windows Brochure

Aluminium Windows Prices, Hove

It’s never been easier to get a bespoke price for your aluminium window installation in Hove. Simply fill out our online quotation engine– it’s easy, free and takes minutes! Just enter a few details about your project and we’ll get back to you with a quote to match.

We look forward to working with you!


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